Erik Palladino a participé à 10 films
2000 - U-571 (Jonathan Mostow) 2001 - Petite arnaque entre amis (Jeff Probst) 2003 - La Tentation d'Aaron (C. Jay Cox) 2004 - Dead and Breakfast (Matthew Leutwyler) 2007 - Return to House on Haunted Hill (Victor Garcia (VI)) 2009 - Instinct de survie (Luiso Berdejo) 2010 - Buried (Rodrigo Cortes) 2010 - Deadly Honeymoon : Lune de miel mortelle (TV) (Paul Shapiro) 2011 - Answers To Nothing (Matthew Leutwyler) 2011 - The Speed of Thought (Evan Oppenheimer)
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